Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Favorite Villain

My favorite villain of all time is Ursula from the Little Mermaid. She is sneaky, manipulative, and evil all at the same time. She gives people what they want, but in return steals their voices. Ursula is the witch of the sea and takes advantage of everyone she meets. She tells people that she will give them anything and everything that they have ever wanted. The only catch is that they have to give her their voice and if they don’t achieve their goal, she turns them into these little weed things and she has a garden of them in her cave. Ursula is half woman, half octopus. She has short white hair, a pretty chubby body, and eight legs like an octopus. She knows all of these special potions that can easily ruin someone’s life. Ursula is such an evil lady because she takes away peoples innocent lives for no reason at all! She has an evil sense of humor as well. Ursula is definitely one of the most evil villains in all of Disney history. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lord of the Flies: Jack's Way of Doing Things

Everything in human society runs risks. Whether it’s the government, lose of education, or anything that people do in general. In Lord of the Flies, the author really uses his imagination in creating these characters and creating the events that happen on the island. Jack’s fierce system of violence, punishment, and superiority is not always the right way to go. But the majority of the boys choose Jack because they are afraid to choose any other way of “government”. Jack has pretty much tricked the boys into becoming so afraid of him, that they will virtually do anything so they are not harmed in any way. The boys are also very young and have not really learned what is completely right and what is completely wrong. They easily give into peer pressure as well which gives Jack a huge advantage. All the older boys seem to see Jack as a higher power and basically worship the way he does things. In my opinion, the younger boys probably would like to be with Ralph’s fair and cooperative system, but are peer pressured into going with Jack. I know that if I was as young as they were I personally would not want to be in danger of being punished or beaten for every little thing that I do, or don’t do. In their situation though, the only way of survival is being savage and harsh. Jack’s way of doing things will most likely get you farther on the island and will probably help you survive for a longer time. That is if you don’t get a rock purposely thrown on you or you don’t get killed for trying to tell everyone that the “beast” really isn’t a beast at all. In the end, Ralph has a more systematic way of doing things and Jack is more savage. It all depends on how you look at things.