Friday, February 11, 2011

Can We Trust People to be Good?

Not everyone is a good person, but everyone person has something good inside of them. Most people are generally good on the outside and they are capable of showing that. But there are also some people who can’t really do what is always right. Not everyone has the natural instinct to do the best that they can possible do. Most people in the world are born with the thought to do right and are raised that way as well. But for others that is very hard to do. I think that people in general are just strange. We have all of these unnecessary feelings and thoughts that are not important what so ever. If people just cooperated in life then everything else would easily fall into place. There would not be any crimes committed or wars to worry about. But that is only in a non-existent perfect world. Nothing like that will ever happen because people are just too stubborn to do something that is not part of their everyday routine. People are not always good but I personally think that every person in this world has a little bit of good in them. It is just a natural trait that you are born with that not everyone is able to understand. In bad situations I think people are put under too much pressure and can’t really make up their mind completely. That’s why that in hard situations not every decision made is the one that will help the group out the best. In general, every one is capable of doing good, but not everyone chooses to. 

The Prisoner's Dilemma Game

The Prisoner’s Dilemma game showed who can work together, and who can’t. My partner and I did really well in the first round but terrible in the second round. At first, our strategy was to say that we will both confess, so we each get one point. At the last second we would changed our answer to deny so that we get plus two points, and the other team gets minus two points. It worked very well at first because no one knew that we were going to screw them over. In the second round though, everyone screwed us over because they knew our strategy even though we decided to be honest and keep our word. Our knew strategy was to say that the other team would confess and we deny, so we got minus two points and they got plus two points. But again, at the last second we would change our answer to confess as well so we both got one point. No one believed that we would our promise because we screwed them over in the first round. We ended up both getting minus two because everyone thought that we were lying again. After the game ended, I thought that we should have just cooperated so everyone gets at least on point each. Another good idea though was to be honest in the first round, and then screw everyone in the second round because people would think that we were honest, but we were not really going to be. Maria and I would have dominated if we did what we decided to do after the game was over. In the end, everyone should just cooperate. That way every person gets something. In the Lord of the Flies I think they should cooperate also. Everyone would hopefully get along so something would get accomplished on that island.